Produced by Subtronic Trio and Mikko Raita
Executive producer Jyri Lehtonen / Bafe’s Factory
Recorded and and mixed by Mikko Raita / Studio Kekkonen 17-20 September 2016
Assistant recording engineer Ville Salminen
Mastered by Jaakko Viitalähde at Virtalähde mastering
Graphic design by JImmy Träskelin
Trio photo by Kalle Kallio
Hand drawn birds by Kai Thomson
Adriano Adewale (Brazil) percussion, vocals
Kristiina Ilmonen (Finland) flutes, liru, percussion, vocals
Nathan Riki Thomson (Australia) double bass, kalimba, Maori flute, Wagogo flute, vocals
1. Impilahti Hop
(Trad / Subsonic Trio)
2. Dance of the Forest Creatures
(Subsonic Trio)
3. Kesäyö / Summer Night
(Trad / Subsonic Trio)
4. Krannin prunnista
(Subsonic Trio)
5. Bosques Sagrados
(Subsonic Trio)
6. View from Above
(Subsonic Trio)
7. Älä sinä flikka
(Trad / Subsonic Trio)
8. Deusa das Àguas / Goddess of the Waters
(Subsonic Trio)
9. MIgration of the Night Birds
(Subsonic Trio)
10. Journey till Dawn
(Subsonic Trio)
11. A Distant Memory
(Subsonic Trio)
Traditional tunes:
Impilahti Hop: Bowed lyre (jouhikko) melody ”Laulu” played by Feodor Pratsu,
Koirinoja, Impilahti. REcorded by A.O. Väisänen 1916.
Kesäyö / Summer Night: From Maria Helena Spoof’s (1768-1828) notebook.
Älä sinä flikka: The first part of the melody is from a folk song from Kauhava,
sung by Jussi Erkkilä, collected by Toivo Kuula 1907.
Ulkoasu: Jimmy & Sofia